I fall into the first category. It's been my nature to observe and question my perceptions of reality for as long as I can remember, and my interests have long been devoted to those things unseen by our limited physical vision. It has never made sense to me that our existence is limited to the sole purpose of working, raising families and acquiring material things. So my quest for truth has been a long journey and I continue to strive for understanding in the evolution of my consciousness.
My journey over the last 20 years has brought me closer to what I perceive to be the true nature of our existence than ever before. Easy access to the internet has exposed me to ideas and people from all over the world in every perceivable discipline, and I've read a plethora of books by brilliant authors. It's through the studies and philosophies of some of these people that I have found answers that make sense to me. I don't have all the answers for myself, and I certainly don't have any answers for you. What I do have to offer to you is a place to share ideas and offer your own unique view of reality, and my own resources and experiences that I offer to you as an aid in your own journey.
There are several things that I'm absolutely certain of. The first is that more and more people are awakening to the nature of reality and realizing that we are spiritual beings on a human journey. The second thing I'm certain of is that love is the only absolute truth. The third thing I'm certain of is that things I believe to be true today may not be things I believe to be true tomorrow. That's the nature of growth and evolution. The last thing I'm certain of is that you and I have unique views to share and that we can learn from each other in this wonderful journey we call life.